CSC2 achieves Cyber Essentials certification

We’re excited to share some great news with all our valued clients, partners, and stakeholders. CSC2 has officially achieved Cyber Essentials certification, an important recognition of our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of cybersecurity.

Cyber Essentials, a government-backed certification scheme by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), focuses on helping organisations like ours defend against the most common cyber threats. This achievement demonstrates our dedication to maintaining robust cybersecurity practices and safeguarding our digital operations and sensitive data.

The certification process involved a thorough assessment of our cybersecurity measures, including areas such as network security, user access controls, secure configuration, malware protection, and patch management. By successfully meeting the Cyber Essentials criteria, we’ve proven that we have the necessary safeguards in place to protect against a wide range of cyber risks.

As the digital landscape evolves and cyber threats become more sophisticated, our commitment to cybersecurity remains unwavering. Achieving the Cyber Essentials certification reaffirms our position as a trusted partner in the industry. Our clients can have even greater confidence in our ability to protect their data and maintain the highest standards of security.